TXU Energy is one of the largest energy providers in Texas. As such they needed to maintain their role as leaders and make sure not to alienate any part of their customer base. Usually that “leads” to boring work. We were able to walk that fine line between corporate and fun while explaining the different plans that TXU Energy offered.

Dance – A spot from a mini campaign we did for TXU’s Free Nights and Solar Days plan. Two of the best actors I’ve ever worked with. These guys kept us all laughing for the entire shoot.

Living Room – Just your standard celestial bodies sitting on the couch having a conversation spot.

Shoulders – Atlas just has the world on his back. Alex has the sun and moon on his shoulders.

Haunted House – We were woking on ideas for this round of Free Pass television and I mentioned that I had had a semi-creepy experience the night before. I was trying to turn off some battery powered candles that we had out for Christmas decorations and they kept turning back on. Next thing you know we have an idea for a spot.

Scary Movie – When I was a kid I would have empathized with the young couple. Now that I have a teenaged daughter, I think I’ll go with the dad on this one.



Hot Towels – After we presented this spot internally one of the Brand Managers said, “That’s funny. The client will NEVER buy it.”