For a long time, every year about mid-winter, the Bridgestone Super Bowl TV assignment would come out to all the creatives at the agency. To say it was a competitive assignment would be a gross understatement. 20-30 teams all giving their best to make it to the big show. Just making it out of the agency to the client presentation was a pretty big deal. I was fortunate enough to get to produce spots two years in a row. (I'm honored that these are included in many “Best Super Bowl Spots” lists.)

Whale of a Tale – We had one whale of a good time making this spot. Everyone thought the stunt driver was going in the water when he did that 180 at the end of the pier. He didn’t. But only just. I asked him later if it scared him and he said “It was really no big deal.” This spot ran during Super Bowl XLIV.


Reply All – Based on a true story. The sender of the original email didn’t go around smashing people’s devices. But, he wished he could have. This spot ran during Super Bowl XLV.